Key features
SignalVu-PC is the foundation of RF and vector signal analysis software that helps you easily validate RF designs. It is based on the signal analysis engine of the RSA5000 Series real-time signal analyzers and runs on your computer or Windows tablet. You can now move your analysis of acquisitions off the instrument and anywhere. SignalVu-PC is also the companion software that runs the analysis for the Tektronix USB real-time spectrum analyzers and Tektronix MDO/MSO/DPO Series oscilloscopes. Whether your design validation needs include wideband radar, high data rate satellite links, wireless LAN or frequency-hopping communications, the SignalVu-PC comprehensive suite of tools and application software can speed your time-to-insight by showing you the time-variant behavior of these signals.
Connect with 5 Series/6 Series/6 Series B MSO or 6 Series LPD or MDO4000 Series oscilloscopes
When the Connect (CON-SVPC) option is installed, SignalVu-PC extends the functionality of either the 5/6 Series B MSO or 6 Series LPD Series oscilloscopes (with hardware option SV-RFVT). The combination of hardware and software transforms the oscilloscope intoa wide-band vector signal analyzer (VSA) with up to 2 GHz capture bandwidth on up to 4 independent channels. To support acquisition length of more than 10 ms for a span of 2 GHz, RL-1 (125 Mpoints record length) license needs to be installed. SignalVu-PC can either run on the instrument (with optional Windows 10 SSD; 5/6-WIN) or on separate Windows PC in the instrument.
SignalVU-PC controls the MSO RF front-end, acquires the vector-calibrated I/Q data, and makes wide-band, time-correlated, multi- domain measurements. You can analyze, correlate, and troubleshoot issues in time, frequency, phase, amplitude, and modulation.
In addition to simultaneous multi-channel Spectrums, Spectrograms, Channel Power, ACPR, OBW, RF Amplitude, Frequency and Phase vs. Time traces, triggers, and IQ capture capability, SignalVu-PC and Connect option adds essential VSA measurements and statistic alanalysis including RF I&Q vs. Time, CCDF, MCPR, SEM, Spurious, AM, FM, PM, and Automated Mask Search displays and alerts.
Leverage the MSO triggering capability and low phase noise performance to extend your debugging work into system-level validation and troubleshooting of your embedded RF devices. Perform modulation analysis and pass/fail testing of the most common wireless standards and modulation types with optional SignalVu-PC applications.