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SignalVu-PC Vector and RF Suite of Signal Analysis Software for PC

Tektronix SignalVu-PC Vector and RF Suite of Signal Analysis Software for PC

Key features

  1. Multi-domain tool set for spectrum analysis, vector signal analysis and demodulation
  2. Offline analysis of waveforms captured by all Tektronix spectrum analyzers and oscilloscopes standard
  3. Real-time recording and analysis with Tektronix RSA signal analyzers (RSA7100, RSA600, RSA500, and RSA306 Series) standard
  4. Options to turn the 5 Series/6 Series/6 Series B MSO or 6 Series LPD Series Oscilloscopes into wide-band vector signal analyzers (VSAs) with up to 2 GHz analysis bandwidth using Connect (CON-SVPC).
  5. Analyze without acquisition hardware present
  6. Analyze wideband designs
  7. Free up instruments for further use while analysis occurs offline
  8. Use your Windows tablet or your powerful PC workstation
  9. Node Locked and Floating License available for each SignalVu-PC optional application
  10. 5G New Radio (NR) uplink/downlink RF power, Power dynamics, Signal quality, and Emissions measurements based on the 3GPP release 15/16 Standard
  11. Extensive time-correlated, multi-domain displays connect problems in time, frequency, phase, and amplitude for quicker understanding of cause and effect when troubleshooting
  12. Power measurements and signal statistics help you characterize components and systems: ACLR, Multicarrier ACLR, Power vs. Time, CCDF, and OBW/EBW
  13. EMC/EMI pre-compliance and troubleshooting with RSA signal analyzers – CISPR detectors, predefined standards, limit lines, easy accessory setup, ambient capture, failure analysis, and report generation
  14. WLAN spectrum and modulation transmitter measurements based on IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/j/p/n/ac/ad/ay standards
  15. Bluetooth® Transmitter Measurements based on Bluetooth SIG RF specifications for Basic Rate, Low Energy, and Bluetooth 5. Some support of Enhanced Data Rate
  16. Flexible OFDM analysis of custom OFDM signals
  17. Frequency offset control for analyzing baseband signals with near-zero intermediate frequencies (IF)
  18. AM/FM/PM modulation and audio measurements for characterization of analog transmitters and audio signals
  19. Simple and complete APCO Project 25 transmitter compliance testing and analysis for Phase 1 (C4FM) and Phase 2 (TDMA)
  20. Playback of recorded files from the USB spectrum analyzers (RSA306, RSA500, and RSA600)
  21. LTETM FDD and TDD Base Station (eNB) Transmitter RF measurements
  22. Automated Phase Noise / Jitter measurements
  23. Signal Classification and Survey
  24. Mapping

SignalVu-PC is the foundation of RF and vector signal analysis software that helps you easily validate RF designs. It is based on the signal analysis engine of the RSA5000 Series real-time signal analyzers and runs on your computer or Windows tablet. You can now move your analysis of acquisitions off the instrument and anywhere. SignalVu-PC is also the companion software that runs the analysis for the Tektronix USB real-time spectrum analyzers and Tektronix MDO/MSO/DPO Series oscilloscopes. Whether your design validation needs include wideband radar, high data rate satellite links, wireless LAN or frequency-hopping communications, the SignalVu-PC comprehensive suite of tools and application software can speed your time-to-insight by showing you the time-variant behavior of these signals.


  • Wideband radar and pulsed RF signals
  • Frequency agile communications
  • Broadband satellite and microwave backhaul links
  • Wireless LAN, Bluetooth, Commercial Wireless
  • Land Mobile Radio (LMR), APCO P25
  • Education
  • Long Term Evolution (LTE), Cellular
  • 5G NR Cellular base station or user equipment transmitter test
  • EMC/EMI pre-compliance and troubleshooting

Connect with 5 Series/6 Series/6 Series B MSO or 6 Series LPD or MDO4000 Series oscilloscopes

When the Connect (CON-SVPC) option is installed, SignalVu-PC extends the functionality of either the 5/6 Series B MSO or 6 Series LPD Series oscilloscopes (with hardware option SV-RFVT). The combination of hardware and software transforms the oscilloscope intoa wide-band vector signal analyzer (VSA) with up to 2 GHz capture bandwidth on up to 4 independent channels. To support acquisition length of more than 10 ms for a span of 2 GHz, RL-1 (125 Mpoints record length) license needs to be installed. SignalVu-PC can either run on the instrument (with optional Windows 10 SSD; 5/6-WIN) or on separate Windows PC in the instrument.

SignalVU-PC controls the MSO RF front-end, acquires the vector-calibrated I/Q data, and makes wide-band, time-correlated, multi- domain measurements. You can analyze, correlate, and troubleshoot issues in time, frequency, phase, amplitude, and modulation.

In addition to simultaneous multi-channel Spectrums, Spectrograms, Channel Power, ACPR, OBW, RF Amplitude, Frequency and Phase vs. Time traces, triggers, and IQ capture capability, SignalVu-PC and Connect option adds essential VSA measurements and statistic alanalysis including RF I&Q vs. Time, CCDF, MCPR, SEM, Spurious, AM, FM, PM, and Automated Mask Search displays and alerts.

Leverage the MSO triggering capability and low phase noise performance to extend your debugging work into system-level validation and troubleshooting of your embedded RF devices. Perform modulation analysis and pass/fail testing of the most common wireless standards and modulation types with optional SignalVu-PC applications. 



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