The ShockLine™ ME7868A system is the first distributed, fully reversing 2-port VNA solution that provides guaranteed performance from 1 MHz to 43.5 GHz by utilizing Anritsu’s Extended-K™ components. Powered by the revolutionary PhaseLync™ technology, it enables engineers to synchronize two portable ShockLine MS46131A VNAs and connect them directly to a DUT to conduct vector transmission measurements over distances of 100 meters or more. Whether in a manufacturing, engineering, or education environment, this solution simplifies long-distance S-parameter measurements and VNA test system integration by removing the need to utilize conventional benchtop VNAs with long cable runs, which eliminates insertion loss, improves measurement stability, and lowers setup costs.
The ShockLine ME7868A offers a configurable VNA setup to maximize hardware utilization. Easily set VNA port count (single 1-port, dual 1-ports, or single 2-ports) from session-by-session to ensure maximum flexibility. With low-pass time domain with time gating option, users have access to a TDR-like display with more resolution than bandpass time domain for characterizing discontinuities. Because there is no onboard data storage, this eliminates the need to purge data for secure applications.
Standard Capabilities
Operating Frequencies
Applies to all PhaseLync cable lengths.
- ME7868A-010 1 MHz to 8 GHz
- ME7868A-020 1 MHz to 20 GHz
- ME7868A-043 1 MHz to 43.5 GHz
Measurement Parameters
- 2-Port Measurements S11, S21, S22, S12, and any user-defined combination of a1, a2, b1, b2, 1. Maximum Efficiency Analysis, Mixed-mode SDD, SDC, SCD, SCC
- Domains Frequency Domain, Time (Distance) Domain (Option 002)
- Frequency Sweep Types Linear, Log, CW, or Segmented
Display Graphs
- Single Rectilinear Graph Types Log Magnitude, Phase, Group Delay, Linear Magnitude, Real, Imaginary, SWR, Impedance
- Dual Rectilinear Graph Types Log Mag and Phase, Linear Mag and Phase, Real and Imaginary
- Circular Graph Types Smith Chart (Impedance), Polar
Measurements Data Points
- Maximum Data Points 2 to 16,001 points
Limit Lines
- Limit Lines Single or segmented. 2 limit lines per trace. 50 segments per trace.
- Single Limit Readouts Uses interpolation to determine the intersection frequency.
- Test Limits Both single and segmented limits can be used for PASS/FAIL testing.
Ripple Limit Lines
- Limit Lines Single or segmented. 2 limit lines per trace. 50 segments per trace.
- Ripple Value Absolute Value or Margin
- Test Limits Both single and segmented limits can be used for PASS/FAIL testing.
- Point-by-Point Point-by-point (default), maximum number of averages = 200
- Sweep-by-Sweep Sweep-by-sweep, maximum number of averages = 4096
IF Bandwidth
- 10, 20, 50, 70, 100, 200, 300, 500, 700 Hz
- 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100, 200, 300 kHz
Reference Plane
- Line Length or Time Delay, the reference planes of a calibration or other normalization can be changed by entering a line length or time delay.
- Dielectric Constants may be entered for different media so the length entry can be physically meaningful.
- Dispersion modeling is used in the cases of microstrip and waveguide to take into account frequency dependent phase velocities.
- Attenuation (with frequency slope) and constant phase offsets can be entered to better describe any reference plane distortions. The frequency dependence exponent is changeable.
- Auto Modes automatic reference plane finding tools are available for phase alone or phase + magnitude. These routines do a fitting process on phase or phase and magnitude to estimate the reference plane location and enter correcting values.
- De-embedding for more complete reference plane manipulation, the full de-embedding system can also be used.
Measurement Frequency Range
- Frequency Range Change Frequency range of the measurement can be narrowed within the calibration range without recalibration.
- CW mode permits single frequency measurements also without recalibration.
- Interpolation Not Activated If interpolation is not activated, the subset frequency range is forced to use calibration frequency points.
- Interpolation Activated If interpolation is activated, any frequency range that is a subset of the calibration frequency range can be used, but there may be some added interpolation error.
Group Delay
- Group Delay Aperture Defined as the frequency span over which the phase change is computed at a given frequency point.
- Aperture can be changed without recalibration.
- Minimum Aperture is the frequency range divided by the number of points in calibration and can be increased to 20 % of the frequency range.
- Group Delay Range < 180° of phase change within the aperture
Channels, Display, and Traces
- Channels and Traces 16 channels, each with up to 16 traces
- Display colors Unlimited for data traces, memory, text, markers, graticules, and limit lines
- Trace Memory and Math, up to 20 trace memories per channel can be used to store trace measurement data for later display or subtraction, addition, multiplication or division with current measurement data. The trace data can be saved and recalled.
- Inter-trace Math, any two traces within a channel can be combined (via addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division) and displayed on another trace. An equation editor mode is also available that allows the combination of trace data, trace memory and S-parameter data in more complex equations. Over 30 built-in functions are available. Simple editing tools and the ability to save/recall equations are also provided.
Scale Resolution
Minimum per division, varies with graph type.
- Log Magnitude 0.001 dB
- Linear Magnitude 10 μU
- Phase 0.01°
- Group Delay 0.1 ps
- Time 0.0001 ps
- Distance 0.1 μm
- SWR 10 μU
- Power 0.01 dB
- Markers 12 markers + 1 reference marker
- Marker Coupling Coupled or decoupled
- Marker Overlay Display markers on active trace only or on all traces when multiple trace responses are present on the same trace
- Marker Data Data displayed in graph area or in table form
- Reference Marker , additional marker per trace for reference
- Marker statistics mean, maximum, minimum, standard deviation per trace or over a marker region.
- Marker Search and Tracking Search and/or track for minimum, maximum, peak, or target value. Multiple marker search ranges per trace are available.
- Filter Parameters Display bandwidth (user-selectable loss value), corner and center frequencies, loss, Q, and shape factors.
- S-Parameter Conversion: Z Reflection Impedance, Z Transmission Impedance, Y Reflection Admittance, Y Transmission, 1/S